Shirley's Creative Corner

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I just started making cards recently. I have been out of work for over a year now because of a bad back. Unfortunately, I am very limited to what I can do. I loved cross stitching but I found I needed to find something else to do and stumbled across a web site for making your own cards and I was hooked. So far I have purchased a used Cricut machine from E-Bay that came with lots of used mats, a cartridge and some extra blades for less than 50.00 shipping included. I have also managed to pick up 4 more used cartridges plus lots of paper for card making. Our local dollar store has been a great place to find lots of things for dressing up my cards (especially for someone on a limited budget) and I try to get there a couple of times a month. I will be posting a few pictures and some instructions on how to make a few cards that I hope will inspire you to get started making them. I guess that's about all for my first blog. Hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day!! A little post script to my original blog. I will be talking about other things besides card making. I will probably add a few personal thoughts about how I feel,what the weather is like, I guess whatever is on my mind that particular day.Hope I do get a few followers and that I don't offend anyone with my ramblings.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello again, I have been very slack lately in all my crafts. As you can see I haven't even written  a blog in a very long time. I recently came across a you tube channel that I really enjoy. It's called thefrugalcrafter . Lindsay Weirich is the artist and she is very talented. She loves all types of crafts as do I. I have actually made a few pairs of earrings and have been trying very hard to make enough crafts to be able to participate in our local craft fair held in Nov.  I plan on doing some cooking,sewing,card making, gift tags, plus whatever else I have time to do. I am going to try and post something every day to let you know my progress. Until then stay happy, healthy and crafty.

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