Shirley's Creative Corner

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I just started making cards recently. I have been out of work for over a year now because of a bad back. Unfortunately, I am very limited to what I can do. I loved cross stitching but I found I needed to find something else to do and stumbled across a web site for making your own cards and I was hooked. So far I have purchased a used Cricut machine from E-Bay that came with lots of used mats, a cartridge and some extra blades for less than 50.00 shipping included. I have also managed to pick up 4 more used cartridges plus lots of paper for card making. Our local dollar store has been a great place to find lots of things for dressing up my cards (especially for someone on a limited budget) and I try to get there a couple of times a month. I will be posting a few pictures and some instructions on how to make a few cards that I hope will inspire you to get started making them. I guess that's about all for my first blog. Hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day!! A little post script to my original blog. I will be talking about other things besides card making. I will probably add a few personal thoughts about how I feel,what the weather is like, I guess whatever is on my mind that particular day.Hope I do get a few followers and that I don't offend anyone with my ramblings.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hello. Very cloudy,drab and dreary looking day. It would be so nice to see the sunshine. Maybe towards the end of the week when the temperature warms up. I hope you are having a great day where ever you are and that you are seeing the sun and warm weather. I am planning on trying to make a few cards today. Mother's Day is just around the corner. Unfortunately, my mother has passed away but I'm lucky to have a wonderful mother-in-law. She is a very special person and means the world to me.
Today has been one of those days where I find myself feeling rather melancholy. I have been thinking about the past so much and what has happened to make me the person I am. I guess it really is true when they say you are a product of your environment. My parents married quite young (mom was only 16,dad was 17) and they started their family right away. My mother was a few months pregnant with me and my father felt the need to marry her. That was many years ago. Most people now don't feel they need to get married because of an unplanned pregnancy. I do believe the father should stay involved in the pregnancy and the child's life,however I don't think that necessarily means getting married. It turned out to be a mistake for my parents,a mistake they both realized ,but seemed powerless to do anything about. That resulted in my father becoming an alcoholic and my mother a battered wife. Because they stayed together and tried to make a life for their family, my siblings and myself all suffered.
I'm sorry that my rambling has turned into a life story. I hope you are not to upset when you read this but I would be happy to read any comments you have about this blog. Thanks and have a great day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hello,It has been such a long time since I've posted anything here that I almost forgot about this blog. Not very motivated I guess. I am going to try really hard to blog everyday. Not much to say today as I haven't made very many cards lately. Although I did make some very pretty Easter cards for family members.I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
I'm looking out my living room window at a very confused weather day. Some clouds,a little sunshine,not to cold. The kind of a day we usually get in April. I have noticed that the flowers around our deck are coming up.Soon we will have some tulips and daffodils blooming. I finally saw some Robins the other day and was so excited I grabbed my camera to take a picture of them.
Guess this will be it for my blog today. Have a great day and may God bless all of you.